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CrescentOfLight 06-27-2010 04:18 AM

RE: The Hangout House
What's up guys.

Kazekage Kamelot 06-27-2010 02:27 PM

RE: The Hangout House
well the cup being refered to as Football or Soccer, and the Bowl referring ot the NFL or aka American Football.

there is no actual cup or bowl involved.

Soccer aka Football's winning trophy is a big cup, so when they say they compete for the world cup they are refering to that trophie.

And in america for the NFL aka American Football they also compete for a cup like trophie, however the bowl reference is to the final game of the season known as the Super Bowl!

Although they do win a nice cup shaped trophie, no one in football really gives a shit about the trophie, its the championship rings everyone on your team gets when you win the super bowl that they want!

Whyt Lindow 06-28-2010 10:55 AM

RE: The Hangout House
Football being referred to as Soccer is wrong.
I hate Football, but that is one thing that I can't obied by.

Nykira 06-28-2010 11:17 AM

RE: The Hangout House
I'm back again sorry for not being here, stupid Internet was use up.... Till now so I'm back and glad to be here even tho a lot has happened^^

Whyt Lindow 06-28-2010 12:31 PM

RE: The Hangout House
Nice to have you back!
I have many a problem with my internet, or else I'd be here more often as well. =/

Mountain Dew Man 06-28-2010 09:57 PM

RE: The Hangout House
well isnt that a uk thing or im intakin ?
the foot ball Soccer thing

Kazekage Kamelot 06-30-2010 12:25 AM

RE: The Hangout House
um Mt Dew... the entire world plays Soccer aka Football.... and the entire world refers to the sport as Football, Americans are the only ones who refer to the game as Soccer, and the only reason they do that is because they use the name Football for another sport that is only found in America.

To be honest though Watching Soccer aka Football, is always exciting and the sport takes a great toll of strength and it is quite an epic battle, but truth be told its nothing compared to the feeling you get when you watch American football.

Soccer aka football is more like a risk game... people move around, territories are being taken and protected but in the end its just a game.

NFL aka American football, is a war zone played out on the grid iron. The battle is so intense it strike fear in the very hearts of the fans.

The reason for this is because in Soccer aka Football, you cant touch another player without being in trouble.... in NFL aka American Football, the idea is to tackle and stop the other players at any cost!!!

Nykira 06-30-2010 12:34 AM

RE: The Hangout House
That's wrong kaka!!!!! We Aussies call it soccer and we call your game rugby... What we call foot ball is AFL.... And it's completly different to all you games and completly aussie!!

Kazekage Kamelot 06-30-2010 12:37 AM

RE: The Hangout House
Rugby is different then NFL american Football, you have moer people on the team and a longer fealed, and the ball is bigger too.... Aussie, Africa, and Canada all do rugby very strongly.

And i didnt know you called it soccer thanks for letting me know that.

Nykira 06-30-2010 12:57 AM

RE: The Hangout House
What ever, still sort of the same game.... I'm not ruby person my bro is... I'm more of an AFL person lol

no probs^^

Mountain Dew Man 06-30-2010 04:23 AM

RE: The Hangout House
@_@ aaaa aka??? no worrys it just to much sports :huh:

Kazekage Kamelot 07-01-2010 11:50 PM

RE: The Hangout House
lol can never have enough sports :P

Nykira 07-02-2010 05:54 AM

RE: The Hangout House
true that kaka

Mountain Dew Man 07-02-2010 10:21 PM

RE: The Hangout House
who is kaka?

Kazekage Kamelot 07-02-2010 11:36 PM

RE: The Hangout House
kaka is her nickname for Kazekage kamelot.

Mountain Dew Man 07-09-2010 04:30 AM

RE: The Hangout House
well wuzzuupppp pepillll :D

CrescentOfLight 07-10-2010 10:55 PM

RE: The Hangout House

Kazekage Kamelot 07-11-2010 03:21 PM

RE: The Hangout House
*tumble weed passes through*

CrescentOfLight 07-11-2010 05:23 PM

RE: The Hangout House
What's up Kaze?

Kazekage Kamelot 07-12-2010 01:20 AM

RE: The Hangout House
not much, working my ass off and trying to figure out what it is exactly my gf wants XD!!!!

isnt it fun!

Mountain Dew Man 07-12-2010 10:23 PM

RE: The Hangout House
well arnt we just a good meatbag :D

Kazekage Kamelot 07-13-2010 02:05 AM

RE: The Hangout House
not really but the world does revolve around salami.

Mountain Dew Man 07-13-2010 05:48 AM

RE: The Hangout House
wtf salami

Kazekage Kamelot 07-14-2010 02:41 AM

RE: The Hangout House
you said meatbag, if im going to be a meatbag i would have to be a salami meat XD!

CrescentOfLight 07-14-2010 03:16 AM

RE: The Hangout House
I really don't want this place to die.

Where are all of the old posters?

We need more topics.

Mountain Dew Man 07-14-2010 07:54 AM

RE: The Hangout House
yep :(

CrescentOfLight 07-14-2010 11:11 PM

RE: The Hangout House
What happened with Audri?

Kazekage Kamelot 07-15-2010 07:12 PM

RE: The Hangout House
she up and vanished like a fart in the wind!

Mountain Dew Man 07-15-2010 08:01 PM

RE: The Hangout House
i dont know :(

CrescentOfLight 07-16-2010 03:37 AM

RE: The Hangout House
It was pretty active here until everyone had to go take exams and work more at their jobs.

I'm gonna go look for more places we can advertise on.

Kazekage Kamelot 07-22-2010 02:36 AM

RE: The Hangout House
nice good work then :P

Mountain Dew Man 07-22-2010 05:42 PM

RE: The Hangout House
well barabill rabil rabil

Skadi 07-24-2010 09:52 AM

RE: The Hangout House
My day was pretty awesome sauce aye?
Went to church and had the best time of my life.
(was away from it for a while) But it was soooo good
to be amongst the light and warmth of christ again,
instead of in the black as night hell of Satan! >.<

Kazekage Kamelot 07-25-2010 06:39 PM

RE: The Hangout House
my day sucks but i dont wish to sit here an type out 50 minutes of bullshit to explain why :P!

Mountain Dew Man 07-27-2010 04:48 AM

RE: The Hangout House

Originally Posted by Kawaii King
My day was pretty awesome sauce aye?
Went to church and had the best time of my life.
(was away from it for a while) But it was soooo good
to be amongst the light and warmth of christ again,
instead of in the black as night hell of Satan! >.<

quuway chi that is mum

Whyt Lindow 07-27-2010 11:55 AM

RE: The Hangout House
I'm getting pretty bored waiting for a parcel to arrive...
Damn Ebuyer...

Anyone doing anything interesting?

Mountain Dew Man 07-27-2010 08:19 PM

RE: The Hangout House
taking to whom ever is arond reily

Whyt Lindow 07-27-2010 10:55 PM

RE: The Hangout House
That sound interesting on some levels, but there hardly any around here most the time. Shame. =/
I think I'll have to partake some more recruitment!

Kazekage Kamelot 07-29-2010 01:51 AM

RE: The Hangout House
yea please do bring more many more.. :O!

Mountain Dew Man 07-31-2010 06:28 PM

RE: The Hangout House
well i no go at that sorry :/

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